• Marysville Grace Brethren Church began as a church plant from the Powell (OH) Grace Brethren Church. In 2002, Powell GBC hired Pastor Clancy Cruise to move his family to Marysville and begin a new congregation. The church held its official launch in September 2003 at Navin Elementary School with faith in God’s provision and direction. Marysville Grace currently averages close to 900 people at its Weekend Worship times and has shared its resources with ministries in Africa, Europe, and North America.

  • Charis Fellowship

    The Charis Movement, comprised of leaders and churches commonly known as Grace Brethren, traces its family roots back to Germany, where in 1708 a small group of sincere Christ-followers committed to form a church that would be faithful to the teachings of the Old and New Testament. Yet, we recognize that our spiritual foundations are built upon the broader work of godly men and women throughout history who have faithfully labored to interpret and apply God’s truth. While different expressions of our beliefs have been drafted throughout our history, we have consistently affirmed our unwavering loyalty to Jesus Christ, the Living Word, and to Holy Scripture, the Written Word, as our final authority in all matters of faith and practice.

    Throughout the centuries, our movement has known glorious times of progress and sad times of distraction over secondary issues. By the grace of God, today we are a global family of churches that shares a common commitment to understanding the Word of God (Biblical truth), to living as the People of God (Biblical relationships), and, to fulfilling the Purposes of God (Biblical mission). This threefold commitment is shared throughout the geographically and culturally diverse congregations that identify with us.

  • Part of our vision is to plant ten churches over the next twenty years. We want to see thriving churches that are reaching the lost in many different communities.

    Check out our most recent church plant, Urbana Grace!